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Romantic Love Letter

Romantic Love Letter

A love letter, simply put, is your love in words. What you say, how you say it and why you say it is secondary. As long as you say it and record it somehow to be enjoyed later, you will have succeeded in writing a love letter. But what if you want to write a romantic love letter?

Ah... now that's a whole different story. A romantic love is pure and beautiful, passionate and imaginative -- not diluted and plain, simple and structured. And so your romantic love letter must be the same. To be romantic, you and your love letter must have integrity, selflessness; you and your love letter must be delicate, charming, delightful and elegant; you and your love letter must express great depth of feeling; you and your love letter must be clever and inventive.

If you become that person, one full of integrity, selflessness, tenderness, charm, delight, elegance, depth and imagination... your love letters will reflect you and hence be romantic. Thus the secret to writing a romantic love letter is this:

Become romantic and then write what's inside, what you feel, what you think, what you do!

To Be Romantic, you and your love letters must have:

  • Integrity
  • Selflessness
  • Tenderness
  • Charm
  • Depth
  • Imagination

You must become that person first and then... (pause... think) your love letters will showcase the real romantic you, then... your love letters won't be fake. They will be genuine romantic love letters and consequently, infinitely more effective. Now not every love letter will contain all your romantic qualities. They'll be revealed over time, but only if you keep writing. So keep writing! Don't give one lonely love letter. Give dozens each year, perhaps once a week... so your true love will see you in all your letters...over and over again... for a lifetime.

Let's walk through each of the romantic qualities one at a time and see how you can incorporate them into your life and your letters.

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